Top Quality Movers in Denver




Here's some of the most popular advice:

Check with local officials to see if there are any restrictions on garage sales in your area.

It pays to advertise. Place ads in your local newspaper, Pennysaver or Shoppers Guide. Post notices on grocery store or neighborhood bulletin boards. Put details about the sale online.

Consider holding the sale with other neighbors to share the advertising costs and attract more customers with a "multi-family" pitch.

Place bold signs with directional arrows on the route to your house. Check local laws regarding placement of the signs.

Limit sale hours and don't pick a holiday weekend. Be safe and pick a rain date as well.

Expect some early birds.

Price things reasonably, and expect customers to bargain.

Stick price tags on individual items or group things by price. For example, a table of $1 or $5 goods. You might also consider color-coding your price tags by cost.

Invest time in cleaning your items before the sale. It makes them much more appealing.

Place clothing on racks, and be sure to check your pockets for any money you may have forgotten.

Group similar types of items together on tables.

Have plenty of change handy on sale day.

Guard your money carefully. Keep it in a lockbox or wear a fanny pack.

Have plastic bags available for your customers' purchases and some paper to wrap the breakables they buy.

After the sale, be sure to remove the signs you've posted.


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